Imagination Management

The imagination construct fosters a never-ending inquisitiveness for the brilliant minds to embark on a tangible and intangible invention. The success of the imagination conceptualization has resulted into revolutionized intellectual birth time and again; clearly evident from its life. The theory acclaimed recognition by Albert Enistein words; where he mentioned imagination as a triumph over knowledge because of its limitless properties.

The ground breaking excogitation repercussions right from the beginning of the world stimulates intellectual wonderment. As what is the right source of final knowledge production which turns into patents and scientific inventions? Does the source come from observation of the existent reality or imagination of the non-existent?

The pragmatism of the current settings provides evidence of unacceptability of the established systems. For example, the intellectual theorists, scholars worldwide, the scientific knowledge acquirers favor discussions, debates and questioning which reflects their thirst for epistemology. Specifically, a need for change is observed through refusal of the theories which back the world renowned systems e.g. the educational system, the governance system and the organizational system. That means the brilliant minds in today’s time, continuously strive to contribute towards body of knowledge by implementing the truth and eliminating the false via observation, questioning and observation.

Therefore, this blog post is trying to find out what is the right source of final knowledge production? Is it observation of the realism structures or imagination of the non-prevailing and non-existent reality?

Ø  The scientific idea of transforming the chemical of silicon into a chip and integration of circuits was an adventurous journey of idea formation via observation and imagination. For example, German Engineer Werner Jacobi back in 1949 first developed the integrated circuit which turned into a complete product in year 2000 by Jack Kilby. The journey did not end up here; the product was further improved by Robert Noyce who made the product more beneficial.

Ø  In another instance, to organize the land and establishment of settlements on the coast of North America, Virginia Company was formed and chartered by James VI in year 1606. This was the first ever company in the world.
By examining and operationalizing the two examples, we can draw following inferences to achieve deeper insights on the questions raised.
Ø  Our way of thinking, responding, perceiving and understanding is either dependent upon our stagnant learning during our past life or self-decidedly questioning our own attitude, thinking behavior and action in order to achieve new wisdom, new learning and new mental capabilities.

Ø  The theoretical underpinning leads to further exploration of the conceptualization. For example; in the case of integrated circuits, the initial observation of the resource presence lead to Silicon discovery and further was imagined by a brilliant mind to be used in a chip containing millions of electronic components. In the case of organization establishment, the need was first observed to manage the land and an idea of a proper company was imagined to execute the purpose of the need.

Ø  Change is one of the most important factors which further emphasize on the construct of imagination. For example, when it will be used excessively, a denial of the core realities would occur simultaneously e.g. the stagnant time movement provides reasoning that nothing remains still forever so things must get improved and altered to suit the human needs with passing time. In the case of integrated circuits, we can observe that the final product was made in result to a complete journey of previous patents and ideas introduced by set of brilliant minds. The product lived a journey of improvement and alteration. Therefore, the construct of change leads to imagination because the reality changes and so do the reality observational patterns.

Ø  Human’s self-perceptional knowledge provides a system for imagination to process itself and produces an idea.

Ø  The same idea is then manufactured as an action to produce the final invention.

Therefore, there is certainly a need to manage the imagination and to focus on how it could be done effectively to achieve effective results. In conclusion, this blog post introduces new concept of ‘’Imagination Management’’ which includes networking and partnership with observation resulting into knowledge; which in turn fosters inquisitiveness of the established realities which would again lead to imagination. This could be best explained by the conceptual model given below.